


如果你只想生成一個訪問令牌來測試 API 請求,你可以使用這個示例應用程序 .

令牌是從Brightcove OAuth API獲得的。在獲取訪問令牌之前,首先需要獲取特定於要訪問的API和操作的客戶端憑據(客戶端ID和客戶端密鑰)。要獲取您的客戶端憑據,請參閱管理 API 憑據 .




  • Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
  • Authorization: Basic {client_id}:{client_secret}

整個{client_id}:{client_secret}字符串必須是 Base64 編碼的(如果您將字符串作為--user證書;在其他語言中,您需要自己處理 Base64 編碼)。

您也必須傳送下列索引鍵/值組做為要求主體或 URL 參數:



      "access_token": "ANB7xKhiUZmwltVd3f1odcHHM9VAwg02kwmLwtZwHv3SxGCOWLUf5W4G7X22PRjmR9StvFUqzpVZ1suOfyfOigdi-rnohxyEaSSuZceeLw_9OBW7fXldOG05HEgkeK3N-DBZZZyilodmjA1JWZHbgI3IU7Rmz5IPGyi-sDxHN3KlOr1BDZlLZpXPdFPwEyb6idq-z8AL-blKTSMtNI3_fz3oNBisfrHGUv5tXHoQT4B7FYcvdrap16gTOO7_wNt1zmgLJiUHvyxZgsgBchm_AhohVL-AYgcfCbCR0v7d2hgI4ag35pnZNeujDiBLfnCFcVMlqQGq8UEVZrmU9a8y4pVAGih_EImmghqmSrkxLPYZ800-vIWX-lw",
      "token_type": "Bearer",
      "expires_in": 300

access_token value 是你必須傳入的Authorization以這種形式使用您的 API 調用標頭:

  Authorization: Bearer {access_token}



如果您的應用只會偶爾調用 Brightcove API,您不妨忽略expires_in參數並為每次調用獲取一個新的訪問令牌。在這種情況下,處理順序將如下所示:



  1. 繼續嘗試 API 調用,如果你得到一個UNAUTHORIZED響應錯誤,去獲取一個新的令牌並再次調用 API。在這種情況下,處理順序將如下所示:
  2. 另一種方法是添加expires_in每次獲取令牌時,以紀元秒為單位的當前時間的值,然後在以後的 API 調用中,根據當前時間檢查過期時間,以查看是否需要獲取新令牌。在這種情況下,您的處理順序將如下所示:


可以針對REST API設置一些有用的測試工具,以與Brightcove OAuth系統配合使用以獲取訪問令牌。我們提供了一些指南,其中包括針對兩個最受歡迎的跨平台工具執行此操作的步驟:




第一個示例是一個Shell腳本,該腳本實現了上面的第一個實現邏輯:它從用戶那裡獲取輸入,總是獲取一個新的令牌,然後進行API調用。該腳本可在任何Brightcove API上運行,並且在構建應用程序時可能會發現它對於測試API調用很有用。


  bold=`tput bold`
  normal=`tput sgr0`
  echo 'Enter your client id:'
  read CLIENT_ID
  echo Your client id: $CLIENT_ID
  echo --------------------------
  echo 'Enter your client secret:'
  echo Your client secret: $CLIENT_SECRET
  echo --------------------------
  echo 'Enter the full API call:'
  read API_CALL
  echo Your API call: $API_CALL
  echo --------------------------
  echo "Enter the HTTP method: [ ${bold}g${normal} (GET - default) | ${bold}po${normal} (POST) | ${bold}pa${normal} (PATCH) | ${bold}pu${normal} (PUT) | ${bold}d${normal} (DELETE) ]:"
  read VERB
  if [ "$VERB" = "" ]
      export VERB="GET"
  elif [ "$VERB" = "g" ] || [ "$VERB" = "GET" ] || [ "$VERB" = "get" ]
      export VERB="GET"
  elif [ "$VERB" = "po" ] || [ "$VERB" = "p" ] || [ "$VERB" = "POST" ] || [ "$VERB" = "post" ]
      export VERB="POST"
  elif [ "$VERB" = "pa" ] || [ "$VERB" = "PATCH" ] || [ "$VERB" = "patch" ]
      export VERB="PATCH"
  elif [ "$VERB" = "pu" ] || [ "$VERB" = "PUT" ] || [ "$VERB" = "put" ]
      export VERB="PUT"
  elif [ "$VERB" = "d" ] || [ "$VERB" = "DELETE" ] || [ "$VERB" = "delete" ]
      export VERB="DELETE"
  echo "Your request type: $VERB"
  echo --------------------------
  echo 'Enter data to be submitted in the request body:'
  read DATA
  echo Your call verb: $DATA
  echo --------------------------
  # get access token and use regex to extract it from the response
  TOKEN=$(curl -s --data "grant_type=client_credentials" https://oauth.brightcove.com/v4/access_token --header "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" --user "$CLIENT_ID:$CLIENT_SECRET" | sed -E 's/.*access_token\"\:\"([^\"]+)\".*/\1/');
  echo Your token: $TOKEN
  echo --------------------------
  RESPONSE=$(curl -s -v -X $VERB "$API_CALL" -d "$DATA" -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" -H "Content-Type: application/json")
  echo Raw response:
  echo $RESPONSE
  echo --------------------------
  echo Pretty-printed response:
  echo $RESPONSE | python -m json.tool


下一個示例是Ruby腳本,該腳本也採用了第一種實現邏輯:始終獲取令牌,然後進行API調用。此示例調用了Analytics API,但可以修改為與任何API配合使用。


  #!/usr/bin/env ruby
  # view id --> content,
  #!/usr/bin/env ruby
  require 'rest-client'
  require 'json'
  client_id = '5eb0f20e-29a8-4f19-8cb5-80336e2789ab'
  client_secret = 'Zqpb_2YrvnGUEjqQUndx6GsjQ3JyAgXoA2gNbhoj-yUV4scij0jwCN0OBz9FILEwHupjeqwdbOUSFMi7zkhpVg'
  response = RestClient.post 'https://oauth.brightcove.com/v4/access_token', :client_id=>client_id,:client_secret=>client_secret,:grant_type=>'client_credentials'
  token = JSON.parse(response)["access_token"]
  puts "The extracted token is:" + token + "\n\n\n"
  data = RestClient.get 'https://data.brightcove.com/analytics-api/videocloud/account/1234567890001/report?dimensions=video&from=2014-01-01&to=2014-03-30', { 'Authorization' => "Bearer #{token}", 'Accept' => 'application/json' }
  puts "This is the result from the query: \n" + data


此示例是一個Python腳本,用於實現上述第3種實現邏輯。它試圖做一個Analytics API調用,但如果調用因 UNAUTHORIZED 錯誤而失敗,它會獲取新的訪問令牌並重試調用。



  import httplib, urllib, base64, json, sys
  # This is a python script to test the CMS API.
  # To use this script, edit the configuration file brightcove_oauth.txt
  # with your brightcove account ID, and a client ID and client secret for
  # an Oauth credential that has CMS API - Videos Read permission.
  # You can find instructions on how to generate Oauth credentials
  # https://apis.support.brightcove.com/cms/getting-started/practice-area-cms-api.html
  # This script demonstrates how to refresh the access token
  # in handling 401 - Unauthorized errors from the CMS API
  # Because the Oauth tokens have a 300 second time to live,
  # The refresh logic to handle 401 errors will be a normal part of runtime behavior.
  # Note that the client_id and client_secret secure the access to the CMS API
  # Therefore, it is not advisable to expose them to browsers. These are meant for
  # server to server communication to obtain an access token.
  # The access token can be exposed to the browser. Its limited permissions and expiry
  # time make limit the duration and scope of its usage should it be observed in network
  # traffic or obtained from a browser.
  class AuthError(Exception):
  def __init__(self):
  self.msg = "auth error"
  # read the oauth secrets and account ID from a configuration file
  def loadSecret():
  # read the s3 creds from json file
          creds = json.load(credsFile)
  return creds
  except Exception, e:
  print "Error loading oauth secret from local file called 'brightcove_oauth.txt'"
  print "\tThere should be a local file in this directory called brightcove_oauth.txt "
  print "\tWhich has contents like this:"
  print """

          "account_id": "1234567890001",
      "client_id": "30ff0909-0909-33d3-ae88-c9887777a7b7",
      "client_secret": "mzKKjZZyeW5YgsdfBD37c5730g397agU35-Dsgeox6-73giehbeihgleh659dhgjhdegessDge0s0ynegg987t0996nQ"

      sys.exit("System error: " + str(e) );
  # get the oauth 2.0 token
  def getAuthToken(creds):
      conn = httplib.HTTPSConnection("oauth.brightcove.com")
      url =  "/v4/access_token"
      params = {
  "grant_type": "client_credentials"
      client = creds["client_id"];
      client_secret = creds["client_secret"];
      authString = base64.encodestring('%s:%s' % (client, client_secret)).replace('\n', '')
      requestUrl = url + "?" + urllib.urlencode(params)
      headersMap = {
  "Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
  "Authorization": "Basic " + authString
      conn.request("POST", requestUrl, headers=headersMap)
      response = conn.getresponse()
  if response.status == 200:
          data = response.read()
          result = json.loads( data )
  return result["access_token"]
  # call Analytics API for video views in the last 30 days
  def getVideoViews( token , account ):
      conn = httplib.HTTPSConnection("data.brightcove.com")
      url =  "/analytics-api/videocloud/account/" + account + "/report/"
      params = {
  "dimensions": "video",
  "limit": "10",
  "sort": "video_view",
  "fields": "video,video_name,video_view",
  "format": "json"
      requestUrl = url + "?" + urllib.urlencode(params)
      headersMap = {
  "Authorization": "Bearer " + token
      conn.request("POST", requestUrl, headers=headersMap)
      response = conn.getresponse()
  if response.status == 200:
          data = response.read()
          result = json.loads( data )
  return result
  elif response.status == 401:
  # if we get a 401 it is most likely because the token is expired.
  raise AuthError
  raise Exception('API_CALL_ERROR' + " error " + str(response.status) )
  # call CMS API to return the number of videos in the catalog
  def getVideos( token , account ):
      conn = httplib.HTTPSConnection("cms.api.brightcove.com")
      url =  "/v1/accounts/" + account + "/counts/videos/"
      requestUrl = url
  print "GET " + requestUrl
      headersMap = {
  "Authorization": "Bearer " + token
      conn.request("GET", requestUrl, headers=headersMap)
      response = conn.getresponse()
  if response.status == 200:
          data = response.read()
          result = json.loads( data )
  return result
  elif response.status == 401:
  # if we get a 401 it is most likely because the token is expired.
  raise AuthError
  raise Exception('API_CALL_ERROR' + " error " + str(response.status) )
  def demo():
      creds = loadSecret()
      token = getAuthToken(creds)
      account = creds["account"];
          results = getVideos( token , account )
  except AuthError, e:
  # handle an auth error by re-fetching a auth token again
          token = getAuthToken(creds)
          results = getVideoViews( token , account )
  # print the videos
  print results
  if __name__ == "__main__":
      "account" : "1234567890001",
      "client_id": "30ff0909-0909-33d3-ae88-c9887777a7b7",




   * proxy for Brightcove RESTful APIs
   * gets an access token, makes the request, and returns the response
   * Method: POST
   * include header: "Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
   * @post {string} url - the URL for the API request
   * @post {string} [requestType=GET] - HTTP method for the request
   * @post {string} [requestBody=null] - JSON data to be sent with write requests
   * @returns {string} $response - JSON response received from the API
  // CORS enablement
  header("Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *");
  // set up request for access token
  $data = array();
  $client_id     = ‘YOUR_CLIENT_ID’;
  $client_secret = ‘YOUR_CLIENT_SECRET’;
  $auth_string   = "{$client_id}:{$client_secret}";
  $request       = "https://oauth.brightcove.com/v4/access_token?grant_type=client_credentials";
  $ch            = curl_init($request);
  curl_setopt_array($ch, array(
    CURLOPT_POST           => TRUE,
    CURLOPT_USERPWD        => $auth_string,
    CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER     => array(
      'Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
  $response = curl_exec($ch);
  // Check for errors
  if ($response === FALSE) {
  // Decode the response
  $responseData = json_decode($response, TRUE);
  $access_token = $responseData["access_token"];
  // set up the API call
  // get data
  if ($_POST["requestBody"]) {
    $data = json_decode($_POST["requestBody"]);
  } else {
    $data = array();
  // get request type or default to GET
  if ($_POST["requestType"]) {
    $method = $_POST["requestType"];
  } else {
    $method = "GET";
  // get the URL and authorization info from the form data
  $request = $_POST["url"];
  //send the http request
  $ch = curl_init($request);
  curl_setopt_array($ch, array(
      CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST  => $method,
      CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER     => array(
        'Content-type: application/json',
        "Authorization: Bearer {$access_token}",
      CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS => json_encode($data)
  $response = curl_exec($ch);
  // Check for errors
  if ($response === FALSE) {
    $logEntry = "\nError:\n".
    "\n".date("Y-m-d H:i:s")." UTC \n"
    $logFileLocation = "log.txt";
    $fileHandle      = fopen($logFileLocation, 'a') or die("-1");
    fwrite($fileHandle, $logEntry);
    echo "Error: there was a problem with your API call"+
  // Decode the response
  // $responseData = json_decode($response, TRUE);
  // return the response to the AJAX caller
  echo $response;


  $ParentPath = "C:\Temp"
  $ParentCsv = "$ParentPath\Videos.csv"


          Retrieves the TokenType and AccessToken from Brightcove.

          Uses the Brightcove API to retrieve TokenType and AccessToken for use in later
          API requests. The AccessToken expires after 300 seconds (5 minutes) and a new
          AccessToken will need to be requested.
  function Get-BrightcoveAuthorization
      # /oauth/getting-started/overview-oauth-api-v4.html

      $Uri = "https://oauth.brightcove.com/v4/access_token"

      $ClientId = "" # <--------------------------------------------------------------------Retrieve from Brightcove and paste here
      $ClientSecret = "" # <----------------------------------------------------------------Retrieve from Brightcove and paste here
      $Authorization = [System.Convert]::ToBase64String([System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes($ClientId + ":" + $ClientSecret))

      $Headers = @{
        "Authorization" = "Basic " + $Authorization;
        "Content-Type" = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded";

      Invoke-RestMethod -Method "Post" -Uri $Uri -Body "grant_type=client_credentials" -Headers $Headers

          Retrieves a count of videos available for a Brightcove Video Cloud account.

          Uses the Brightcove API to retrieve the count of videos.

      .PARAMETER TokenType
          Required. The token type as retrieved from Brightcove's authorization API.

      .PARAMETER AccessToken
          Required. The access toke as retrieved from Brightcove's authorization API.
  function Get-BrightcoveVideoCount
      # https://support.brightcove.com/getting-counts-videos-and-playlists



      $Uri = "https://cms.api.brightcove.com/v1/accounts/1044238710001/counts/videos"

      $Headers = @{
        "Authorization" = "$TokenType $AccessToken";

      (Invoke-RestMethod -Method "Get" -Uri $Uri -Headers $Headers).count

          Retrieves a list of videos available for a Brightcove Video Cloud account.

          Uses the Brightcove API to retrieve the information for a list of videos, paged
          up to a specified Limit and starting ad a specified Offset.

      .PARAMETER TokenType
          Required. The token type as retrieved from Brightcove's authorization API.

      .PARAMETER AccessToken
          Required. The access toke as retrieved from Brightcove's authorization API.

      .PARAMETER Limit
          Optional. Number of videos to return - must be an integer between 1 and 100.
          Default: 20

      .PARAMETER Offset
          Optional. Number of videos to skip (for paging results). Must be a positive integer.
          Default: 0
  function Get-BrightcoveVideos
      # https://support.brightcove.com/overview-cms-api
      # https://support.brightcove.com/using-cms-api-retrieve-video-data#bc-ipnav-1
      # https://support.brightcove.com/cmsplayback-api-videos-search



          [ValidateRange(1, 100)]
          $Limit = 20,

          [ValidateRange(0, [int]::MaxValue)]
          $Offset = 0

      $Uri = "https://cms.api.brightcove.com/v1/accounts/1044238710001/videos"

      if ($Limit)
          $Uri += "?limit=$Limit"

      if ($Offset -and $Offset -ne 0)
          if ($Limit)
              $Uri += "&offset=$Offset"
              $Uri += "?offset=$Offset"

      $Headers = @{
        "Authorization" = "$TokenType $AccessToken";

      Invoke-RestMethod -Method "Get" -Uri $Uri -Headers $Headers

          Retrieves a list of sources available for a Brightcove video.

          Uses the Brightcove API to retrieve the list of video file sources for a
          specific video.

      .PARAMETER TokenType
          Required. The token type as retrieved from Brightcove's authorization API.

      .PARAMETER AccessToken
          Required. The access toke as retrieved from Brightcove's authorization API.

      .PARAMETER VideoId
          Required. ID of the video to get information for. This can be obtained using
          the Get-BrightcoveVideos function or Brightcove's website.
  function Get-BrightcoveVideoSources
      # https://support.brightcove.com/using-cms-api-retrieve-video-data#bc-ipnav-3




      $Uri = "https://cms.api.brightcove.com/v1/accounts/1044238710001/videos/$VideoId/sources"

      $Headers = @{
        "Authorization" = "$TokenType $AccessToken";

      Invoke-RestMethod -Method "Get" -Uri $Uri -Headers $Headers

          Retrieves a list of images associated with a Brightcove video.

          Uses the Brightcove API to retrieve the information of the thumbnail and poster
          for a specific video.

      .PARAMETER TokenType
          Required. The token type as retrieved from Brightcove's authorization API.

      .PARAMETER AccessToken
          Required. The access toke as retrieved from Brightcove's authorization API.

      .PARAMETER VideoId
          Required. ID of the video to get information for. This can be obtained using
          the Get-BrightcoveVideos function or Brightcove's website.
  function Get-BrightcoveVideoImages
      # https://support.brightcove.com/using-cms-api-retrieve-video-data#bc-ipnav-4




      $Uri = "https://cms.api.brightcove.com/v1/accounts/1044238710001/videos/$VideoId/images"

      $Headers = @{
        "Authorization" = "$TokenType $AccessToken";

      Invoke-RestMethod -Method "Get" -Uri $Uri -Headers $Headers

          Downloads a file from the web.

          Uses the BITS to retrieve a file from a given URI.

      .PARAMETER Path
          Required. The folder path to save the file to. The filename will be determined
          by the URI.

      .PARAMETER Uri
          Required. The URI for the location of the file on the web. This will be used to
          determine the filename of the file.

      .PARAMETER DisplayName
          Optional. This is what will be displayed at the top of the progress bar.
  function Start-BrightcoveDownload



      $FileName = (($Uri -split "/")[-1] -split "\?")[0]

      if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($DisplayName))
          $DisplayName = "Downloading file..."

      Start-BitsTransfer -Source $Uri -Destination "$Path\$FileName" -DisplayName $DisplayName -Description $FileName

          Replaces invalid characters from a filename.

          Replaces the invalid characters in a filename with an underscore (_).

      .PARAMETER Name
          Required. Filename to have the invalid characters removed from.
  function Replace-InvalidFileNameChars {

      $InvalidFileNameChars = [IO.Path]::GetInvalidFileNameChars() -join ''
      $Replace = "[{0}]" -f [RegEx]::Escape($InvalidFileNameChars)

      return ($Name -replace $Replace, "_")

  # Get AccessToken for API
  "Getting AccessToken for API..."
  $BrightcoveAuthorization = Get-BrightcoveAuthorization

  $AccessToken = $BrightcoveAuthorization.access_token
  $AccessTokenExpiresIn = $BrightcoveAuthorization.expires_in #seconds (300)
  $TokenType = $BrightcoveAuthorization.token_type

  $AccessTokenExpiry = (Get-Date) + (New-TimeSpan -Seconds $AccessTokenExpiresIn)

  # Get count of available videos
  "Getting count of available videos..."
  $BrightcoveVideoCount = Get-BrightcoveVideoCount -AccessToken $AccessToken -TokenType $TokenType

  # Get list of all videos 20 at a time
  "Getting list of all videos..."
  $BrightcoveVideos = @()
  for ($i = 0; $i -lt $BrightcoveVideoCount; $i += 20) {
      $BrightcoveVideos += Get-BrightcoveVideos -AccessToken $AccessToken -TokenType $TokenType -Offset $i

  # Parse videos and download information, video, and thumbnail files
  "Parsing videos and downloading information, video, and thumbnail files..."
  foreach ($BrightcoveVideo in $BrightcoveVideos)
      $Thumbnail = ""
      $Poster = ""

      $Video = [pscustomobject][ordered]@{
          Id = $BrightcoveVideo.id
          Complete = $BrightcoveVideo.complete
          CreatedAt = $BrightcoveVideo.created_at
          Duration = $BrightcoveVideo.duration
          Name = $BrightcoveVideo.name
          OriginalFileName = $BrightcoveVideo.original_filename
          PublishedAt = $BrightcoveVideo.published_at
          State = $BrightcoveVideo.state
          Tags = $BrightcoveVideo.tags -join ","
          UpdatedAt = $BrightcoveVideo.updated_at

      $VideoName = $Video.Name
      $PathFriendlyVideoName = Replace-InvalidFileNameChars -Name $VideoName

      $Path = "$ParentPath\$PathFriendlyVideoName"

      # Get new AccessToken if expired
      if ((Get-Date) -gt $AccessTokenExpiry)
          $BrightcoveAuthorization = Get-BrightcoveAuthorization

          $AccessToken = $BrightcoveAuthorization.access_token
          $AccessTokenExpiresIn = $BrightcoveAuthorization.expires_in #seconds (300)
          $TokenType = $BrightcoveAuthorization.token_type

          $AccessTokenExpiry = (Get-Date) + (New-TimeSpan -Seconds $AccessTokenExpiresIn)

      # Get list of rendition sources for video and select last MP4, sorted by width
      $BrightcoveVideoSources = Get-BrightcoveVideoSources -AccessToken $AccessToken -TokenType $TokenType -VideoId $Video.Id
      $Source = $BrightcoveVideoSources | where -Property "container" -EQ -Value "MP4" | sort -Property width | select -Last 1
      $SourceUri = $Source.src

      # Get list of images for video
      $BrightcoveVideoImages = Get-BrightcoveVideoImages -AccessToken $AccessToken -TokenType $TokenType -VideoId $Video.Id
      $Thumbnail = $BrightcoveVideoImages.thumbnail
      $ThumbnailUri = $Thumbnail.src
      $Poster = $BrightcoveVideoImages.poster
      $PosterUri = $Poster.src

      # Create video download folder
      if (-not (Test-Path $Path))
          New-Item -Path $Path -ItemType Directory |

      # Append video information to parent CSV
      $Video |
          Export-Csv -Path $ParentCsv -NoTypeInformation -Append

      # Write video inforamtion to video CSV
      $Video |
          Export-Csv -Path "$Path\$PathFriendlyVideoName.csv" -NoTypeInformation

      # Download video thumbnail
      if (-not [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($ThumbnailUri))
          Start-BrightcoveDownload -Path $Path -Uri $ThumbnailUri -DisplayName "Downloading thumbnail for $VideoName"

      # Download video poster
      if (-not [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($PosterUri))
          Start-BrightcoveDownload -Path $Path -Uri $PosterUri -DisplayName "Downloading poster for $VideoName"

      # Download video file
      if (-not [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($PosterUri))
          Start-BrightcoveDownload -Path $Path -Uri $SourceUri -DisplayName "Downloading video for $VideoName"

  "Finished downloading files. Look for the list of videos in a CSV file at the root of "
  "the parent path. Each video is downloaded to its own separate folder along with its "
  "own CSV and image files."
  Explorer.exe $ParentPath