本主題涵蓋 HEVC 影片的視訊雲端支援。


HEVC 的優點

高效率視頻編碼(HEVC),也稱為 H.265,是一種視頻壓縮標準,旨在為廣泛使用的高級視頻編碼(AVC/H.264)的後繼產品。與 AVC 相比,HEVC 在相同等級的視訊品質下,提供大約 20% 的資料壓縮,或以相同位元速率大幅改善視訊品質。

這項改良壓縮的優點包括降低頻寬使用量、以較低的位元速率提供更高的視訊品質,以及縮短第一個影格 (TTFF) 的時間,這一切都會提高終端檢視者滿意度。


主要缺點是,因為它是一種新技術,HEVC 視頻尚未被客戶端廣泛支持(意味著設備 + OS + 瀏覽器/應用程序)。此外,有些用戶端可以在播放期間切換 HEVC 和 AVC 區段,而其他用戶端則無法切換。

此外,HEVC 視頻的轉碼時間比 H.264 要長 2-4 倍。


HEVC 支援是視訊雲端的費附加元件。如果您對 HEVC 支持感興趣,請聯繫您的客戶成功經理。

布萊特灣的 HEVC 解決方案

為了為您提供 HEVC 的好處,同時仍然允許觀眾使用不支持它的技術,Brightcove 開發了一個全面的解決方案,支持較舊的非 HEVC 客戶端,並且最佳化頻寬使用。這個解決方案有多個部分:

  • 在轉碼期間建立 HEVC 和 AVC 編碼轉譯 (另外還可選擇建立 MP4 以進行漸進式下載)
  • 產生包含對 HEVC 和 AVC 轉譯的引用的資訊清單:
    • HLS:混合變體流(按比特率排序)
    • DASH:針對 HEVC 和 H.264 的獨立適應集,以及宣告它們為可切換的補充屬性
  • 根據檢視器用戶端類型篩選邏輯:
    • 如果要求的裝置是傳統且具備 HEVC 功能的裝置,則會從清單中移除 HEVC 串流
    • 從資訊清單移除 HEVC 功能不可切換裝置的 H.264 串流
    • 如果設備能夠解碼兩個編解碼器並在它們之間切換,則保留 HEVC 和 H.264 流的最佳子集


目前,使用 Brightcove 網頁或原生裝置播放程式的下列用戶端對端支援 HEVC:

支援 HEVC 的網頁用戶端
作業系統 瀏覽器
MacOS 10.13以上 Safari
iOS 11+ Safari
Apple TV 透過「空中播放」
視窗 10 邊緣(帶插件的傳統版本)
支援 HEVC 的裝置
布萊特灣原生裝置 SDK 播放器
SDK 作業系統
iOS SDK iOS 11+
多功能軟體開發套件 tvOS
安卓開發套件 安卓 API 級別 21(棒棒糖版本 5.0)及更高版本[1-1]


  • [1-1] 有關詳細信息,請參閱使用適用於安卓系統的本機 SDK 進行 HEVC 選擇

HEVC 內嵌設定檔

如果您的帳戶已啟用 HEVC,若要取得 HEVC 轉譯以進行播放,您只需選擇其中一個 HEVC 內嵌設定檔 (上下文感知編碼或動態傳遞),當您使用上傳模組或動態擷取 API 擷取影片時,即可:

HEVC 內嵌設定檔
HEVC 內嵌設定檔

下面包含這些配置文件的完整 JSON 詳細信息。我們建議您使用 CAE (內容感知編碼) 設定檔,為您的來源建立最佳轉譯集,並最佳化儲存體。由於 CAE 需要較長的處理時間來檢查來源,因此如果您的優先順序是盡快取得可發佈的轉譯,您可以使用「快速發佈」選項建立自訂擷取描述檔。

請注意,如果出於快速發布選項或其他原因,您需要創建自定義 HEVC 配置文件,則必須使用高級編輯器在 Studio 管理頁面中,或攝取配置文件 API .HEVC 轉譯將不會顯示在 Studio 的簡單編輯器中。您將在下面找到可用的動態傳送轉譯


自訂 CAE 設定檔

標準 CAE 攝取設定檔不包括混合 HEVC/H.264 轉譯。不過,您可以建立自訂佈景主題。目前,您必須使用「內嵌設定檔 API」來為 HEVC 建立這些自訂 CAE 設定檔。

必不可少的字段(在dynamic_origin > 下dynamic_profile_options)是:

在 ideo_codes 中指定的每個轉碼器的輸出選項。的屬性video_codec_options是具有包含轉碼器 (目前為 h264 或 hevc) 名稱的物件。這些對象的允許屬性是
  • min_renditions需要
  • max_bitrate
  • max_first_rendition_bitrate
  • min_resolution
  • max_resolution
  • max_first_rendition_resolution


以下是包含混合轉譯的 CAE 描述檔範例:

  "name": "multi-platform-extended-dynamic-hevc-mixed-codec",
  "display_name": "Multiplatform Extended HEVC (CAE) mixed-codec",
  "description": "Deliver high quality content for a wide range content types and screen sizes including mobile, desktop and large screens.",
  "account_id": 1486906377,
  "digital_master": {
    "rendition": "passthrough",
    "distribute": false
  "renditions": [],
  "packages": [],
  "dynamic_origin": {
    "renditions": [
    "images": [
        "label": "thumbnail",
        "height": 90,
        "width": 160
        "label": "poster",
        "height": 720,
        "width": 1280
    "dynamic_profile_options": {
      "max_renditions": 10,
      "min_renditions": 2,
      "max_bitrate": 12000,
      "max_first_rendition_bitrate": 1000,
      "max_first_rendition_resolution": {
        "width": 1280,
        "height": 720
      "video_codecs": [
      "video_codec_options": {
        "h264": {
          "min_renditions": 2,
          "max_resolution": {
            "width": 1280,
            "height": 720
        "hevc": {
          "min_renditions": 2,
          "max_resolution": {
            "width": 1920,
            "height": 1080


以下是 HEVC 支援的最新限制-請注意,這些限制會隨著我們進行增強功能而改變。

  1. 標準 CAE 內嵌設定檔目前包含 HEVC 轉譯,只有在您知道將影片傳送至具 HEVC 功能的裝置時,才能使用這些設定檔。您可以建立自訂設定檔以包含 HEVC 和 H.264 轉譯。請參閱上面的「自訂 CAE 設定檔」一節。
  2. 不支援 HDR 和 10 位元視訊。
  3. 媒體 UI 目前會顯示所有轉譯,並且不會在每個節目旁邊顯示轉碼器資訊。

附錄 1:HEVC 內嵌設定檔

以下是 JSON 中 HEVC 配置文件的完整屬性。

內容感知編碼 (CAE) 設定檔

多平台延伸 HEVC (CAE)

      "version": 1,
      "name": "multi-platform-extended-dynamic-hevc",
      "display_name": "Multiplatform Extended HEVC (CAE)",
      "description": "Deliver high quality content for a wide range content types and screen sizes including mobile, desktop and large screens.",
      "account_id": -1,
      "brightcove_standard": true,
      "date_created": 1581706195164,
      "date_last_modified": 1581706195164,
      "digital_master": {
        "rendition": "passthrough",
        "distribute": false
      "renditions": [

      "packages": [

      "dynamic_origin": {
        "renditions": [
        "images": [
            "label": "thumbnail",
            "height": 90,
            "width": 160
            "label": "poster",
            "height": 720,
            "width": 1280
        "dynamic_profile_options": {
          "min_renditions": 2,
          "max_renditions": 8,
          "min_resolution": {
            "width": 320,
            "height": 180
          "max_resolution": {
            "width": 1920,
            "height": 1080
          "max_frame_rate": 30,
          "max_bitrate": 4200,
          "max_first_rendition_bitrate": 250,
          "video_codec": "hevc",
          "fixed_frame_rate": true,
          "bitrate_cap_to_bitrate_ratio": 1.5,
          "buffer_size_to_bitrate_ratio": 2,
          "bitrate_cap_offset": 0,
          "buffer_size_offset": 0,
          "sample_aspect_ratio": "1:1"
        "hevc": true
      "id": "5e470e014b23617ad079c486"

具備 MP4 功能的多平台延伸 HEVC (CAE)

      "version": 1,
      "name": "multi-platform-extended-dynamic-hevc-with-mp4",
      "display_name": "Multiplatform Extended HEVC (CAE) with MP4",
      "description": "Deliver high quality content for a wide range content types and screen sizes including mobile, desktop, large screens, and syndication.",
      "account_id": -1,
      "brightcove_standard": true,
      "date_created": 1581706195164,
      "date_last_modified": 1581706195164,
      "digital_master": {
        "rendition": "passthrough",
        "distribute": false
      "renditions": [

      "packages": [

      "dynamic_origin": {
        "renditions": [
        "images": [
            "label": "thumbnail",
            "height": 90,
            "width": 160
            "label": "poster",
            "height": 720,
            "width": 1280
        "dynamic_profile_options": {
          "min_renditions": 2,
          "max_renditions": 8,
          "min_resolution": {
            "width": 320,
            "height": 180
          "max_resolution": {
            "width": 1920,
            "height": 1080
          "max_frame_rate": 30,
          "max_bitrate": 3200,
          "max_first_rendition_bitrate": 200,
          "video_codec": "hevc",
          "fixed_frame_rate": true,
          "bitrate_cap_to_bitrate_ratio": 1.5,
          "buffer_size_to_bitrate_ratio": 2,
          "bitrate_cap_offset": 0,
          "buffer_size_offset": 0,
          "sample_aspect_ratio": "1:1"
        "hevc": true
      "id": "5e470e0c4c881c16fffdb88d"


多平台擴展靜態 H.264 + HEVC

      "version": 1,
      "name": "multi-platform-extended-static-mixed-codec",
      "display_name": "Multiplatform Extended Static H.264 + HEVC",
      "description": "Deliver high quality content for a wide range content types and screen sizes including mobile, desktop and large screens.",
      "account_id": -1,
      "brightcove_standard": true,
      "date_created": 1581706195164,
      "date_last_modified": 1581706195164,
      "digital_master": {
        "rendition": "passthrough",
        "distribute": false
      "renditions": [

      "packages": [

      "dynamic_origin": {
        "renditions": [
        "images": [
            "label": "thumbnail",
            "height": 90,
            "width": 160
            "label": "poster",
            "height": 720,
            "width": 1280
        "hevc": true
      "id": "5e46e57f305eb2517f27a543"

多平台擴展靜態 H.264 + HEVC 與 MP4

      "version": 1,
      "name": "multi-platform-extended-static-mixed-codec-with-mp4",
      "display_name": "Multiplatform Extended Static H.264 + HEVC with MP4",
      "description": "Deliver high quality content for a wide range content types and screen sizes including mobile, desktop and large screens, and syndication.",
      "account_id": -1,
      "brightcove_standard": true,
      "date_created": 1581706195164,
      "date_last_modified": 1581706195164,
      "digital_master": {
        "rendition": "passthrough",
        "distribute": false
      "renditions": [

      "packages": [

      "dynamic_origin": {
        "renditions": [
        "images": [
            "label": "thumbnail",
            "height": 90,
            "width": 160
            "label": "poster",
            "height": 720,
            "width": 1280
        "hevc": true
      "id": "5e46e59b135b6662f386559d"

具備 MP4 功能的多平台延伸 HEVC

      "version": 1,
      "name": "multi-platform-extended-static-hevc-with-mp4",
      "display_name": "Multiplatform Extended HEVC with MP4",
      "description": "Deliver high quality content for a wide range content types and screen sizes including mobile, desktop, large screens, and syndication.",
      "account_id": -1,
      "brightcove_standard": true,
      "date_created": 1581706195164,
      "date_last_modified": 1581706195164,
      "digital_master": {
        "rendition": "passthrough",
        "distribute": false
      "renditions": [

      "packages": [

      "dynamic_origin": {
        "renditions": [
        "images": [
            "label": "thumbnail",
            "height": 90,
            "width": 160
            "label": "poster",
            "height": 720,
            "width": 1280
        "hevc": true
      "id": "5e46e57e708a441e00a7ba1a"

附錄 2:HEVC 動態傳遞轉譯

以下是 JSON 中 HEVC 轉譯的完整屬性。


      "id": "default/video300hevc",
      "version": 0,
      "name": "Default HEVC 300",
      "kind": "video",
      "account_id": "default",
      "created_at": "2020-02-20T17:57:49.622898302Z",
      "updated_at": "2020-02-20T17:57:49.622898302Z",
      "encoding_settings": {
        "aspect_mode": "preserve",
        "decoder_bitrate_cap": 450,
        "decoder_buffer_size": 600,
        "fixed_keyframe_interval": true,
        "fragment_duration": 2000,
        "height": 270,
        "keyframe_rate": 1,
        "segment_seconds": 2,
        "speed": 3,
        "video_bframes": 3,
        "video_bitrate": 300,
        "video_codec": "hevc",
        "video_codec_profile": "main",
        "video_reference_frames": 6,
        "width": 480

預設 HEVC 550

      "id": "default/video550hevc",
      "version": 0,
      "name": "Default HEVC 550",
      "kind": "video",
      "account_id": "default",
      "created_at": "2020-02-20T17:58:08.602132077Z",
      "updated_at": "2020-02-20T17:58:08.602132077Z",
      "encoding_settings": {
        "aspect_mode": "preserve",
        "decoder_bitrate_cap": 825,
        "decoder_buffer_size": 1100,
        "fixed_keyframe_interval": true,
        "fragment_duration": 2000,
        "height": 360,
        "keyframe_rate": 1,
        "segment_seconds": 2,
        "speed": 3,
        "video_bframes": 3,
        "video_bitrate": 550,
        "video_codec": "hevc",
        "video_codec_profile": "main",
        "video_reference_frames": 6,
        "width": 640

預設值 1000 紅外線

      "id": "default/video1000hevc",
      "version": 0,
      "name": "Default HEVC 1000",
      "kind": "video",
      "account_id": "default",
      "created_at": "2020-02-20T17:58:24.768036423Z",
      "updated_at": "2020-02-20T17:58:24.768036423Z",
      "encoding_settings": {
        "aspect_mode": "preserve",
        "decoder_bitrate_cap": 1500,
        "decoder_buffer_size": 2000,
        "fixed_keyframe_interval": true,
        "fragment_duration": 2000,
        "height": 432,
        "keyframe_rate": 1,
        "segment_seconds": 2,
        "speed": 3,
        "video_bframes": 3,
        "video_bitrate": 1000,
        "video_codec": "hevc",
        "video_codec_profile": "main",
        "video_reference_frames": 6,
        "width": 768


      "id": "default/video1300hevc",
      "version": 0,
      "name": "Default HEVC 1300",
      "kind": "video",
      "account_id": "default",
      "created_at": "2020-02-20T17:58:51.222403657Z",
      "updated_at": "2020-02-20T17:58:51.222403657Z",
      "encoding_settings": {
        "aspect_mode": "preserve",
        "decoder_bitrate_cap": 1950,
        "decoder_buffer_size": 2600,
        "fixed_keyframe_interval": true,
        "fragment_duration": 2000,
        "height": 576,
        "keyframe_rate": 1,
        "segment_seconds": 2,
        "speed": 3,
        "video_bframes": 3,
        "video_bitrate": 1300,
        "video_codec": "hevc",
        "video_codec_profile": "main",
        "video_reference_frames": 6,
        "width": 1024


      "id": "default/video1600hevc",
      "version": 0,
      "name": "Default HEVC 1600",
      "kind": "video",
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      "created_at": "2020-02-20T18:00:00.347383018Z",
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        "aspect_mode": "preserve",
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        "height": 720,
        "keyframe_rate": 1,
        "segment_seconds": 2,
        "speed": 3,
        "video_bframes": 3,
        "video_bitrate": 1600,
        "video_codec": "hevc",
        "video_codec_profile": "main",
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        "width": 1280


      "id": "default/video2850hevc",
      "version": 0,
      "name": "Default HEVC 2850",
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      "account_id": "default",
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      "updated_at": "2020-02-20T18:00:42.036123319Z",
      "encoding_settings": {
        "aspect_mode": "preserve",
        "decoder_bitrate_cap": 4275,
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        "fragment_duration": 2000,
        "height": 1080,
        "keyframe_rate": 1,
        "segment_seconds": 2,
        "speed": 3,
        "video_bframes": 3,
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        "width": 1920